Blow Up Your Deadlift
Deadlifts are hailed in the gym as one of the "alpha" exercises. The deadlift is technical but often the easiest to produce results of the 3 powerlifting main lifts. There are so many variations and training ideas out there. More time than not those who want to increase their deadlift try to max out every week or 2 weeks with no progress. This program will give you the tools to increase your muscles strength and power within your deadlift. The variation in deadlifting exercises will give noticeable changes in how you pull and how much weight you are capable of pulling.
The time line for this program makes it easy. You go into the gym, warm up and work out. This lays out the focus of deadlifting. The program allows for you to integrate it into your current training. The exercises for each day will last roughly 45 minutes if done at a steady rate.
Within the program there is an introduction that talks about warm up, provides an RPE training scale as preface for the program, and a place to fill in your ongoing 1 Rep Maxes.
Block 1 consists of a 4 week program, 3 days of training a week and a slow progression. The first week will ease you in and then the intensity does not get high enough to cause intense soreness. The goal is to increase DEADLIFTING strength and power without compromising every day activities and wellbeing. The program can be carried on longer than 4 weeks without concerns. The program should be restarted with week 1 any time the lifter is sore because it will provide a deload.
Within the 3rd page of the product you will find a preparation week to get ready for 1 Rep Maxes. This will allow for your nervous system to be primed and ready for your 1 Rep Max attempts the following week. RPE scale is provided for you 1 Rep Max attempt on the day of. Additionally, it allows for ongoing progress to be visible.
Word of caution I would refrain from attempting Maxes more than once every 2 months or else your body will become excessively sore and training will not be as effective.
You will get programming for 3 days/week for 4 weeks of Deadlift focused exercises, a 1 week 1 Rep Max prep and an outline for testing 1 Rep Max on a day.